Organic Solutions
The innovative products were each designed to specifically provide direct impact and maximize the overall soil health, resulting in a much stronger and healthier soil environment.
The description provided is a brief summary of how each proven product line is to be applied. You can request more information regarding which soil reclamation product best fits your current needs.
Foliar Enhancement
a foliar plant stimulant designed to increase carbohydrate levels within a plant, push plant growth and aid in crop reproductive set, improve plant health, increase efficiency of foliar nutrient programs and reduce plant stress.
Legume Reproduction
a product formulated for soil application on legume crops. It is a proprietary blend of fermentation extracts, organic acids, plant extracts and surfactants.
RENEW a superior enzyme complex designed for soil or foliar application.
RENEW stimulates soil microbial activity which helps to reduce soil compaction, improve fertilizer efficiency and nutrient release. When used as a foliar treatment RENEW stimulates plant vigor.
Soil Detoxifier
RECLAIM a critical part of the alkaline soil program, capable of dramatic remediation of sodium levels in alkaline soils. Soil tests should be taken from areas surrounding trouble areas to determine nutrient imbalances and appropriate treatment. (other nutrient treatments may be recommended to enhance overall effectiveness.)
Seed Treatment
Seed Treatment contains nutrients and compounds that enhances seed germination and seedling vigor. Deeper, more extensive rooting insures more consistent plant stands, increased nutrient uptake and healthier, more vigorous seedlings.
Turf Blend
TURF BLEND is a concentrated bio-stimulant liquid complex of vitamins, hormones, plant growth regulators, root growth stimulators, with micro nutrients combined with an effective non-phytotoxic wetting agent. It can be used in soil or foliar applications.